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Tal is a full-stack team leader with a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management. She appreciates clean and efficient code, is passionate about creating things from scratch, enjoys learning new skills, and is a people person. When she's not coding, you will find her cooking, working out, sewing, or traveling.
Tal Licht
Full-Stack Team Leader
English, Hebrew

Tel Aviv, Israel
Can also give an online talk/webinar
Paid only. Contact speaker for pricing!
Intro to Event Driven Development
Frontend, Software Engineering, Backend

Event driven development (EDD) is a widely used and in demand programming paradigm in most modern applications. As the name implies, it is an event-driven approach to application architecture, development, and execution. These events are typically generated by the user, such as clicking on a specific button or picking a specific option from a drop-down list, or system generated, such as messages from other programs. It enables us to build a more flexible, scalable, and very intuitive system which provides users with the quickest and most accurate responses. It is not too difficult to master, and it is worth the learning curve given that it can be useful for simple and small applications as well as for big and complex ones.
In this presentation, we will examine what EDD is and its components, what are the advantages and disadvantages associated with it as well as why it is essential to utilize it whenever possible to benefit ourselves and our users.
Intro to Event Driven Development
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