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The Women on Stage Academy

Send your technical employees to world-class public speaking training in an empowering, professional environment.

Nurture your technical women employees and build up their self esteem with a spot in the Women on Stage Academy, designed specifically for R&D professionals. The Academy provides participants a safe, empathetic place to grow their technical public speaking abilities. It bridges the confidence gap for underrepresented minorities with technical expertise, amplifying their voice and helping them bring their incredible talent to light. Participants come together from leading tech companies and startups, and get the support they need in developing their confidence, speaking capabilities, and presentations - a skill that would prove valuable on all of life’s stages.

Technical employees participating in the Academy receive public speaking training and mentoring from world-class professional speakers. The program was designed based on our personal experience, putting the focus on confidence, morale, peer support, and building great technical content. 

This program is open to technical speakers from a variety of leading tech companies. Using a proven model, we give participants the skills they need to become the next generation of thought leaders, both nationally and internationally. Having your R&D professionals in the course is a great way to boost your company’s reputation and position your company as a top supporter of gender diversity.

At the end of the course, each participant builds a polished presentation - often proceeding to present at large conferences afterwards. 75% of Academy graduates have gotten speaking gigs in the 2 months following the end of the course, conquering personal and professional goals and acting as company ambassadors. 

For more information, visit the Academy page.

The Women on Stage offering is fully inclusive to all genders: Women, LGBTQ+, and allies.

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